Welcome my lovelies to the second life course in the Foundation Life Courses, CHANGE YOUR STORY – CHANGE YOUR LIFE!
I am so happy that you have signed up.
You will have already taken a journey deep down into who you really are. I am sure you have had discoveries along the way.
The Change Your Story, Change Your Life course is taking us even deeper into what takes you away from who you really are.
That is what stories and self-limiting beliefs do. They take us away from connecting to who we really are.
Some people think they were never connected in the first place. That is not true!
You, like so many other people had experiences in your life where you created a limiting belief that made you believe something about yourself that made you forget your awesomeness!
On this course we are going to look at one big negative belief that stops you experiencing life in the best way possible.
You only live once and I want you to get the most out of it as you possibly can. I want you to shed anything that you “think” about yourself that makes you think less of yourself.
You were born perfect and I want you to see that perfection within yourself.
Time to start loving yourself my lovely.
We are going to go deep. The people who have done this course before you, loved the experience of this deep inner work.
You will have attended the LIVE BIG and so you will know what it is like to be in a small group of women where you share you inner feelings.
For those of you who did not attend the LIVE BIG course (and this will be a rare occurrence);
You might feel nervous about meeting people and worried about getting personal. Don’t!
I promise you will love the experience of getting to know like minded people. Realising that they are just like you.
You will become each other’s support system and everyone who has done the course before you have said they love this aspect so much. Being with others and exploring who you REALLY are.
Have you signed up for the TIGS-TRIBE Facebook group. The group is a must, because you will find other videos that I post and where you can all share with each other and ask me questions which I will answer via video online.
I would ask that you don’t go into the other modules before the start of each week. It will spoil it for you and I really want each week to be a surprise.
The exercise workbook and Coaching Exercises that will take place during the coaching session are very! Please do everything that I ask you to do because you will benefit from it so much if you do and I want to make sure that you get the opportunity to transform even more.
If you have any questions at all pop them into the Facebook Group as someone else might be interested in the answer. I want to make sure you get everything you need out of the course you need to transform
Check out the Code of Conduct below too.
And so the journey begins.
With big love Marion x
This Group is a place for you to share your insights, highs and lows.
I encourage you to get involved, get to know each other and be part of the School Tribe.
You are going to meet different people on the course and I want everyone to have a wonderful experience. Making sure that we treat each other with respect is so important. It will be important when listening to others that you remember not to tell your story, but listen to theirs and share you insights about what you are hearing them say.
It is very important that you attend all the Coaching sessions. If for any reason you can’t attend for a major reason, contact me direct and let me know.
Working through the exercises and contemplating the questions is so important. It allows you to start getting to know yourself. We will be talking about your discoveries during the coaching session so it is important you have spent the time thing and journaling about them.
Change will not happen without taking responsibility for it and doing the work, so make sure you get the most out of the course.